SHARE ARCHIVE | AREAS All shares from our archive
Please choose one of the following Areas:
 > 18th century
 > agriculture > appliance and fittings construction > art nouveau > art-deco > autographed items > automobile, engine > aviation, airplanes, airfield
 > baker’s shop, bread, cakes and pastries > banking (bonds, debentures etc.) > banking (just shares) > beverages (others) > bicycles > breweries, malthouses > building materials > bus, taxi
 > cable railway > canal > casino > cement factory > cemetery > chemical, plastics, rubber > chocolate, sweets > churches > circus, amusement park > coffee, tea, cocoa > colonies > computer, electronics > confederates > construction (structural-, civil engeneering, road construction)
 > daika > decorative papers > department stores > DM-securities
 > electrical industry, electrical engeneering > exhibitions, World Fair > explosive
 > film, cinema, photography, film instruments > finance companies (other) > fire brigade > fishing, fish-processing industry > flour mills > foodstoff (without semiluxury food) > for fun > foreign currency loans > founder shares
 > gasworks > general merchandise > general mining > glass > gold-, silver- and diamondmining > government loans (federal states, counties included)
 > heating system, air condition, sanitary facilities > historism style > hospital, Public Health Service > hotels, catering trade
 > insurances
 > jewels, clocks, watches
 > land companies, real estate > leather, shoes, leather goods > livestock farming > lodge, odd fellows
 > match, inflammable matter > mechanical engineering (without electrical engineering) > metalworking, metal processing > milk and cheese > mineral water > motorcycles > municipal loans > music (musical instruments, studio, records)
 > nonironmetals (without mining)
 > office machines, typewriters, calculators, sewing machines > oil and petrol > optical industry, photography > option certificates > other clubs
 > paper, paper mill > pharmaceutics > pharmacy, chemist’s shop > politics > porcelain, ceramics, clay > power supply > precision mechanics > printing, publishing, advertising > prisons, police
 > railroads > railway carriage, goods waggon, engine, railway fittings, signal facilities > refuse collecting > rubber industry and processing > rubber industry and processing
 > salt and potash mining, saltworks > school, university, training > shipping, shipbuilding, ferries > soap, cosmetic > spirits > sports club, sports article, sports ground > steel, iron, metallurgical plants, foundry > stock exchange > street railways > sugar
 > tabac, cigarettes, cigars > telecommunications > television, broadcasting > textile, clothes (without leather) > theatres and opera houses > tourism, journey > toys, playing cards > transportation, forwarding, storekeeping > trust, audit, tax consultancy, accountancy > turnpike road, bridge, tunnel
 > valid securities > varnish paint and color paint
 > water supply, water power > weapons, defence industry > well-known names USA > wine, sparkling wine, champagne > wire and cable works > woods, furniture, forestry
 > zoo
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